Entry training in Plastics, Te whakangungu tīmata mō te Mātai kirihou
Learn on the job and get experience in your industry
How long it takes
Train for 11–20 months
Who it's for
Anyone 16+ with employer’s support
What you'll get paid
Training minimum wage or more
Fees may apply
These courses develop your ability to make and process plastics.
Training level
Entry training can get you a New Zealand Certificate at Level 2 or 3.
About qualification levelsWhat you will do
Trainees usually
- learn on the job
- do courses in person or online
- do practical and written assessments
Find out study and training costs and ways you can pay.
Find out what different study and training providers can offer.
You can find a path towards study or training whether you’re in or out of school.
Get ready for work
In school
- Work skills
- School subjects
Out of school
- Training or study
- Work experience
Find a job
Ask your employer to support your training
Choose a training provider
Check entry requirements
Sign the agreement and get started
Find out more
Get ready for work, Kia rite mō te mahi
In school
Develop work skills
Talk with your school career adviser about Gateway, trades academies and other options for developing work skills.
Combine school with work or training
Choose school subjects
For some training and apprenticeships you need specific NCEA subjects.
Vocational Pathways can help you choose subjects that lead to a particular industry.
Out of school
Training or study
Getting a Level 1–3 entry certificate can increase your chances of finding work or training opportunities.
Upskilling after you leave school
Get work experience
Work experience is a good way of getting into an industry. It can lead to training and job opportunities.
Find a job, Kimihia he mahi
Find a job
You usually need a job in your chosen industry before you can start your training or apprenticeship. You’ll earn while you learn.
Check job seeker websites for training opportunities or talk with employers.
Some training providers can help you find an employer or workplace.
Ask your employer to support your training
You’ll be learning on the job, so your employer needs to support your training or apprenticeship.
Choose a training provider, Kōwhiria he kaiwhakarato whakangungu
Choose a training provider
Training providers manage industry training. You do courses and assessments with them throughout your training or apprenticeship.
Who can you study or train with?
Check entry requirements
This training may have entry requirements like a driver licence. Check with your training provider.
Sign the agreement and get started
You need to sign an agreement between you, your employer and training provider to start your training or apprenticeship.
The provider will develop a training plan with you and your employer and support you throughout your training.
Training on the job means earning while you learn. Trainees and apprentices are paid the training minimum wage or more, depending on age and experience.
You may need to pay fees to do training. Some employers may pay your fees.
Find out what different study and training providers can offer.
Find out study and training costs and ways you can pay.
Get support from the Government
Discover what student loans, allowances and government funding you can get to help you pay for study or training.
Who can you study or train with?Ka taea e koe te ako, te whakangungu rānei ki tēhea whakahaere?,
1 training provider offers Entry training in Plastics
Other study and training options in PlasticsĒtahi atu kōwhiringa ako me te whakangungu mō te Mātai kirihou,
Guides, Ngā aratohu
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