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How to get work experience, Me pēhea te whiwhi wheako mahi

Updated 08 Jul 2024

Find out how to get work experience to explore your career ideas.

A female manager sits next to a young man in an office space. She points to an open laptop with her pen. The man takes notes.

Types of work experience
Ngā momo wheako mahi,

If you’re not sure what to study or what type of mahi you want to do, getting work experience can help you to find out. It’s also a great way to meet people and gain skills that may get you a job.

Work experience could be:

  • an internship at an organisation for a fixed time
  • job shadowing a mentor by following them as they do their job
  • working for a short time in a different job or project team in your own or another workplace
  • volunteering with organisations like school committees, youth organisations, and environmental and cultural groups
  • part-time or seasonal jobs that may lead to full-time work.

Find an internship – New Zealand Internships

Find volunteering opportunities – Volunteering New Zealand

Why do work experience
Te take me whiwhi wheako mahi,

As well as gaining new skills, work experience can help you:

  • learn more about a job or industry to decide if you like it or not
  • find out about other jobs you might like in the same workplace
  • find a job – employers like to hire people with work experience
  • get an offer of a permanent job if the employer thinks you’re a good worker.

How to apply for work experience
Me pēhea te tono mō te wheako mahi,

Applying for work experience is very similar to applying for a job.

  • The first step is to choose a job you'd like to try in an area you're already interested in. For example, if you want to get into healthcare find some work experience where you help and care for people.
  • Next, think about who can help you find work experience. This could include friends, whānau, teachers or career advisers at your school, or people in your clubs, sports teams and other community groups. You can also look online to find organisations you’re interested in working for.
  • Prepare your CV to showcase your skills, strengths and achievements to an employer. You can email your CV to potential employers when you ask for work experience.
  • If an employer wants to meet you to talk about work experience, treat it like a job interview. Make sure you dress neatly and arrive on time. Be prepared to answer any questions they may ask. You can also ask them about what you'll be doing if you're offered the work experience, what hours you’ll work and what you’ll be paid.

How to write a CV

Make the most of your work experience
Whiwhi hua i tō wheako mahi,

When you're doing your work experience, make the most of it by:

  • trying to meet as many people in the workplace as you can
  • asking about job opportunities in the organisation
  • asking for feedback on your work
  • asking your manager to be your referee for future job applications
  • updating your CV with your work experience.

Find out more, Ako atu

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