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How to look for a job, Me pēhea te rapu mahi

Updated 12 Feb 2025

Looking for a job can be scary and hard. Breaking it down into small steps will make it easier to find a job that’s right for you.

, How to stand out when applying for a jobMe pēhea te noho tāpua ina tono mō tētahi mahi

Tips for applying for jobs and doing interviews

Duration — 4:00 mins

Figure out your strengths and skills
Whiriwhiria ō kaha me ō pūkenga,

Think about what your best strengths and skills are so you can put them in your CV for your job applications.

Strengths are things you’re naturally good at and enjoy doing, like:

  • being well organised
  • solving problems
  • staying calm under pressure
  • talking in front of groups of people.

Skills are what you learn through life and work experiences, like:

  • weaving flax
  • using a computer
  • writing social media
  • reading maps.

Know your skills

Get your CV ready
Whakaritea tō tāhuhu tangata,

Create or update your CV with your current strengths, skills, qualifications and work experience. If you start off with a general CV with everything in it, you can change it to fit the different jobs you apply for.

How to write a CV

Write a cover letter
Tuhia he reta whakamārama,

You send a cover letter with your CV when you apply for a job. It’s your chance to make a positive impression with an employer. Tell them why you’re applying for the job and how your skills and experience will help you do the work.

Make sure you change your cover letter to suit the job you’re applying for so it matches what the employer is looking for.

How to write a cover letter

Prepare for a job interview
Me takatū koe mō tētahi uiui mahi,

Preparing for a job interview is also a good thing to do as part of your job search. Then when you get asked to do an interview you'll be ready.

Doing an interview

Check your social media
Tirohia ō paepori,

Social media is an important part of the job searching process. If you get an interview, most employers will look you up online. Before you start your job search make sure your social media only includes what you’d be happy for an employer to see.

Find job vacancies
Rapua ngā tūnga wātea,

You can find out about available jobs in lots of ways. Try searching:

  • job vacancy and recruitment websites
  • employers’ websites
  • social media
  • daily and local newspapers
  • through recruitment agencies
  • at industry events and job expos.

Pick out places you’d like to work and organisations that share your values and interests. Then contact them directly to find out if they have any job vacancies.

You can use the Find a job section of our career ideas to find job opportunities using job vacancy and recruitment websites.

Explore career ideas

Use your networks
Whakamahia ō kōtuitui tāngata,

One of the best ways to get a job is through networking. Talk to everyone you know, including:

  • friends and whānau
  • previous employers and colleagues
  • local business people.

You can also connect with people using an online job networking site like LinkedIn.

Get support
Tiki tautoko,

If you have a disability or health condition that makes it harder for you to look for jobs, Workbridge can help.

Workbridge offers free support with job searching and interviews to people who may face barriers because of health issues like a disability, mental health condition or being neurodiverse.

Workbridge – Te Arawhiti mō Mahi

Ask employers to meet for a chat
Tono hui kōrerorero i te taha o ngā kaitukumahi,

Many jobs aren’t advertised, so asking an employer to meet with you for a kōrero is a great way to get yourself known. You can also find out more about the organisation and what skills they’re looking for.

Start by contacting the employer through email or LinkedIn. Explain who you are and why you’d like to meet. Some people may prefer to talk over the phone rather than meet you in person.

If you can't get a kōrero this way, you could send them your CV with a cover letter. Tell them which job you're interested in and why you’re the best person to do it.

Get ready for work while you’re studying
Ngā mahi hei mahi i a koe e ako ana,

There are things you can do while you’re studying or training to improve your chances of finding mahi when you’re ready.


Get work experience
Whiwhi wheako mahi,

You can get work experience and learn new skills through part-time or seasonal work, internships, volunteering and graduate programmes.

How to get work experience


Go to career events
Haere ki ngā taiopenga aramahi,

You can meet employers by going to events like career expos, job fairs and industry networking events. You can find out about career events:

  • on your tertiary education provider’s career hub
  • through professional groups and associations.


Join a professional organisation
Tūhonoa he whakahaere ngaio,

If you're studying for a job that has a professional association, find out if you can join as a student. For example, if you're studying engineering, you could join Engineering New Zealand. Then you'll be able to connect with experienced members and use the association's resources for your study.

Kia kaha in your search for mahi!

Find out more, Ako atu

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