Combine school with work or training, Te kōmitimiti i te kura ki te mahi, te whakangungu rānei
Updated 20 Jun 2024
Are you someone who can’t wait to get out into the world? There are some great ways to start building a bright future while you’re still at school.

Ways to combine school with work or trainingNgā ara kōmitimiti i te kura ki te mahi, te whakangungu rānei,
Learning new subjects, training in a different place or getting work experience can make your school day pretty interesting. You can discover what type of
If you’d like to try something different, talk to your career adviser, Gateway coordinator or teacher. They’ll be happy to help.
Trades academiesNgā wānanga ringarehe,
At trades academies you learn industry-specific skills while you study for NCEA in Years 11 to 13. You’ll probably be at school for 3 or 4 days a week and at a training provider through a division of
You’ll study towards NCEA Level 2 or above, and for industry qualifications at Level 1, 2 or 3.
Talk to your career adviser about how and when to get into trades academies.
Services academiesNgā wānanga ratonga,
Services academies are run by schools in partnership with the New Zealand Defence Force. The programme is designed to motivate and challenge you. You’ll be taught the personal skills you need to succeed in life. You’ll develop and build your fitness, confidence, teamwork and leadership skills – sometimes in challenging outdoor situations.
You’ll work towards NCEA Level 2, plus other credits that suit your interests and career choices.
Around 30 schools run services academies. Most are only for Year 12 or 13
Gateway lets you try
As part of your structured workplace learning, you’ll probably work at the same place for some of the school year. You’ll get experience in a job that interests you and skills you can use in the world after school.
You’ll continue studying for NCEA Levels 1 to 3 and be assessed for work knowledge and skills.
Other ways to combine school with work or trainingĒtahi atu ara kōmitimiti i te kura ki te mahi, te whakangungu rānei,
You can also try doing:
- volunteer work – working for no payment adds skills and experience to your CV and helps you explore career choices
- part-time or holiday jobs.