Choosing NCEA subjects, Te kōwhiri marau NCEA
Updated 13 Aug 2024
It can be tricky choosing which NCEA subjects to study. Here are some steps to help you decide. Do these steps in any order you like.
, How to choose your subjectsMe pēhea te kōwhiri i ō marau
Choose subjects that take you where you want to go.
Duration — 3:09 mins
Work out what subjects you enjoyWhiriwhiria ngā marau e kaingākau ai koe,
Your study will be more enjoyable and interesting if you choose subjects you like. Have a think about:
- which subjects you like doing
- any subjects you’re interested in that you haven’t already studied
- what you like doing outside of school, like playing music, helping people, thinking creatively. Do any subjects include these activities? What subjects could lead to a career that includes them?
Work out what subjects you’re good atWhiriwhiria ngā marau e pai ai ō mahi,
Choosing subjects you have a natural talent for will help you achieve NCEA credits. Have a think about:
- which subjects you’re strongest in
- which subjects other people say you’re good at.
Find out what subjects you need for your career ideasRapua ngā marau e hiahia ana koe mō tō aramahi,
If you're unsure about what you want to do in the future, don't worry. You can keep your options open by studying a range of different subjects.
Keeping up with English, te reo Māori, maths and at least one science subject is a good idea because these subjects are useful for many programmes and careers.
Check you have the right subjects for your career ideasMe hihira kei te tika ō marau mō ō whakaaro aramahi,
Have you got the right subjects for the next NCEA level?E tika ana ō marau mō te taumata whai ake o NCEA?,
You may need to have already studied a subject at NCEA Level 1 to study Level 2 in that subject. For example, to study NCEA Level 2 maths you may need to have studied maths at Level 1.
For some subjects at NCEA Level 2 or 3 you may need to have studied a combination of Level 1 or Level 2 subjects. For example, you might need to study maths and science at NCEA Level 1 to study Level 2 physics.
If you're not sure which subjects you need, check your school’s website or ask your teacher or school career adviser.
Have you got the right subjects to do tertiary study or training?E tika ana ō marau hei whai akoranga mātauranga matua, whai whakangungu rānei?,
If you want to study or train with an education provider, like a Te Pūkenga division, wānanga, university or private training establishment, you may need a certain number of NCEA credits or a tertiary entrance qualification like University Entrance.
If there's a tertiary programme you'd like to do when you finish school, make sure the NCEA subjects you study will earn the credits you need for it.
Have you got the right subjects to do an apprenticeship or trade?E tika ana ō marau mō tētahi piatanga, mahi-ā-rehe rānei?,
If you want to get an apprenticeship or a job in a particular industry, you could choose subjects with skills that will help you complete a Vocational Pathway.
Vocational Pathways use different NCEA credits to show you the skills employers value, and help you pick a tertiary or trade programme that's right for you.
When you complete a pathway you’ll achieve a Vocational Pathways Award and NCEA Level 2.
Discuss your subject choicesKōrerorerotia ō kōwhiringa marau,
Discussing your NCEA subject choices with someone you trust will give you more confidence that you’ve made the right decision. Try talking to:
- your parents,
whānau or ‘aiga - your teacher or school career adviser
- a career practitioner.