Mental health counsellor, Kaiwhakamahereora hauora hinengaro
Also known as
- Psychotherapist, psychologist, counselling psychologist, mental health therapist
Mental health counsellors are professionally trained using theurapeutic techniques to help individuals, couples, families and groups deal with issues that affect their mental health and wellbeing.
Your pay could be
$60K to $105K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Mental health counsellors
- usually work regular business hours but may work shifts
- usually work in private practices, community health centres, homes and schools, and may travel locally
- may do emotionally demanding work
- need to be responsible, communicate well and identify and solve problems
- Counsel clients or patients regarding personal issues.
- Write reports or evaluations.
- Complete documentation required by programmes or regulations.
- Counsel clients or patients with substance abuse issues.
- Teach life skills or strategies to clients or their families.
- Respond to emergencies to provide assistance.
- Provide first aid or rescue assistance in emergencies.
- Maintain client records.
- Intervene in crisis situations to assist clients.
- Develop treatment plans for patients or clients.
You need a qualification to become a mental health counsellor and experience may be useful.
You need
- a bachelor's degree in counselling, applied counselling, health science in counselling, or social services (counselling)
- an Annual Practicing Certificate
- to pass a police check
You may need
- a Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health and Addiction
- a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Mental Health and Addiction Counselling
- a Master's degree in Counselling or Counselling Studies
- experience in similar work
- to be registered with the New Zealand Association of Counsellors
- an Annual Practicing Certificate
If you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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