Addictions counsellor, Kaitohuora waranga
Also known as
- Drug and alcohol counsellor, addictions practitioner, AOD practitioner, addictions clinician, addictions case worker, addiction recovery counsellor, substance use disorder counsellor
Addictions counsellors support and advise people with alcohol, tobacco, drug or other problems like gambling and eating disorders.
Your pay could be
$65K to $93K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Addictions counsellors
- usually work regular business hours
- usually work in health clinics, hospitals, schools and prisons
- may do emotionally demanding work
- need to be responsible, identify and solve problems and communicate well
- Write reports or evaluations.
- Maintain client records.
- Counsel clients or patients with substance abuse issues.
- Administer drug screening tests.
- Monitor clients to evaluate treatment progress.
- Collaborate with other professionals to assess client needs or plan treatments.
- Develop treatment plans for patients or clients.
- Modify treatment plans to accommodate client needs.
- Intervene in crisis situations to assist clients.
- Maintain professional social services knowledge.
You usually need a qualification and experience to become an addictions counsellor.
You may need
- a relevant tertiary qualification in mental health and addiction or similar area
- a bachelor's degree in addiction studies, counselling and addiction practice or similar area
- a postgraduate qualification in mental health and addiction counselling
- experience in counselling or addiction practice
- to be registered with the Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa New Zealand
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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