Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa


Mā te hangarau ka tū rangatira ngā ākonga. Hei whakahiato i ngā mōhiotanga hangarau, ka tīmata i te ao Māori me tōna hāngai ki te ao hurihuri. E rima ngā aho o te hangarau – te hangarau kai, te koiora, ngā hanga me te pūhanga, te matihiko, te tāhiko me te whakatina.

New Zealand Curriculum


In technology you explore and create a range of physical and digital products. Learn how to design and develop useful models, software, systems and tools.

NCEA subjects
Ngā matau NCEA,

Showing subject cards 1-10 of 12