Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa


E pā ana te pūtaiao ki te ao tūroa me te wāhanga ki te tangata i reira. Ka whakamātau whakaaro hāngai ki ngā wheako tairongo o te ao. Mā te pūtaiao ka anga whakamua te ao Māori, ka mātaihia ngā whakaaro o neherā, o nāianei, kia puta he mātauranga hou, arā, kia whānui ake te puna mātauranga.

New Zealand Curriculum


In science you explore how the natural, physical world and the universe works. Learn how to find evidence and test ideas to develop scientific knowledge and explanations.

NCEA subjects
Ngā matau NCEA,


Agricultural science

NCEA Level1-2

Agricultural science is the study of producing and managing farm animal and plant products. Learn how the environment and the economy influence farming practices.

Kaupapa Māori subject

Other learning areas
Ēra atu wāhi ako,

Two students interact with each other at table inside a classroom. There is a book in front of them and one student writes in a notebook.
Social sciences, Tikanga ā-iwi

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  • 0800 601 301
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