Tahatū is in development. There may be minor disruptions from 18-24 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There may be minor disruptions from 18-24 March.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Tikanga ā-iwi

Ka tirohia ngā mahi a te tangata, hītori mai, matawhenua mai, ōhanga mai, hei whakatutuki i ōna matea kikokiko, matea pāpori, matea ngākau, matea wairua hoki. Mā reira e mārama ai te ākonga ki te ao e noho nei ia.

New Zealand Curriculum

Social sciences

In social sciences you find out how global societies work for the people within them in the past, present and future. Learn how to be a critical, informed and responsible citizen.

NCEA subjects
Ngā matau NCEA,

Showing subject cards 1-10 of 17