Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa


Mā te hauora e mātau ai te ākonga ki te oranga tangata, oranga wairua, oranga hinengaro, oranga tinana, oranga ngākau, tae noa ki te oranga taiao. Ka whai wāhi te ākonga ki te whakaahua, ki te whakamārama, ki te whakamātau me te arotake i ngā āhuatanga huhua o te hauora.

New Zealand Curriculum

Health and physical education

In health and physical education you explore the wellbeing of people through health and movement. Learn how to recognise and promote spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social wellbeing.

NCEA subjects
Ngā matau NCEA,


Food and nutrition

NCEA Level2-3

Food and nutrition is the study of how to understand and use information about food. Learn how to make healthy food choices to create wellbeing.

Kaupapa Māori subject

Other learning areas
Ēra atu wāhi ako,

Two students interact with each other at a desk. There is a whiteboard behind them and there are books and a calculator on the desk.
Mathematics and statistics, Pāngarau

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