Mine and quarry manager, Kaiwhakahaere maina me te pā kōhatu
Also known as
- Coal transport manager, mine production manager, site senior executive, tunnel manager, underviewer, coal mine deputy, mine superintendent
Mine and quarry managers supervise mine and quarry workers, do safety checks and plan activities in mines and quarries.
Your pay could be
Data not available
Most common
We don’t have pay information for this job yet, but we’re working on it.
Mine and quarry managers
- usually work irregular hours, including weekends
- usually work at mine or quarry sites and may travel locally
- may work outdoors and in noisy, dusty and hazardous conditions
- need to lead others, make decisions and be safety conscious
- oversee quarrying or tunnelling operations
- plan quarry or mine production
- ensure laws and safety standards are followed
- monitor environmental impacts of operations
- check rock and mineral quality
- hire and train staff
- manage budgets, accounts and sales
- communicate with suppliers and clients
You need experience to become a mine and quarry manager and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- experience in mining, quarrying or similar work
- an extractives certificate of competence from WorkSafe New Zealand
You may need
- a relevant tertiary qualification
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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