Explosives technician, Kaihangarau whakapakū
Also known as
- Shot firer, blast technician, drill and blast technician
Explosives technicians place and detonate explosives to demolish structures or to loosen or remove earth, rock or other materials.
Your pay could be
$31 to $60
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Explosives technicians
- usually work irregular hours
- usually work in mines or construction sites
- may work in dusty, dirty, loud and hazardous conditions
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be accurate, methodical and safety conscious
- Determine operational compliance with regulations or standards.
- Select tools, equipment, or technologies for use in operations or projects.
- Prepare explosives for detonation.
- Position safety or support equipment.
- Direct construction or extraction personnel.
- Operate detonation equipment.
- Pour materials into or on designated areas.
- Mark reference points on construction materials.
- Record operational or environmental data.
- Measure work site dimensions.
You need to do training to become an explosives technician.
You need
- a New Zealand Certificate in Blasting (Level 4)
- to hold a Controlled Substances Licence and Approved Handler Certification
- to pass a police check
- a driver licence with a special-type vehicle endorsement
You may need
- experience in similar work
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 2 to do the study or training for this job.
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