Health and safety inspector, Kaitirotiro hauora me te haumaru
Health and safety inspectors assess workplaces and work activities to ensure employers are keeping employees safe at work. They may educate people about health and safety, investigate accidents and lead prosecutions.
Your pay could be
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Health and safety inspectors
- usually work regular business hours but may work extra hours
- usually work in offices or outdoors and may travel locally or nationally to visit worksites
- may work in all weather or hazardous conditions
- need to be safety conscious, identify and solve problems and communicate well
- inspect workplaces for health and safety issues
- ensure workplace safety rules are followed
- ensure workers have the correct safety gear
- investigate accidents and serious safety events
- investigate work-related health issues
- write health and safety reports
- inform employers about health and safety standards
- take legal action and appear in court
You need experience to become a health and safety inspector and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- 1-2 years' experience as a health and safety adviser
- a driver licence
- to pass a police check
- a First Aid Certificate
- to hold a WorkSafe New Zealand Identity Card
You may need
- a tertiary qualification in workplace health and safety practice or management, occupational health and safety management or similar area
- to hold a Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Enforcement Officer Warrant
- to be registered with the Health and Safety Association New Zealand
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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