Osteopath, Kaihaumanu tuahiwi
Also known as
- Musculoskeletal therapist, manual therapist
Osteopaths help to correct abnormal physical conditions which include back and neck pain, headache, physical injuries to bones, joints and muscles, and many other physical and functional disorders.
2:22 mins
Your pay could be
$58K to $103K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours but may work evenings or weekends
- usually work in private clinics and health centres
- may do physically and emotionally demanding work
- need to be responsible, communicate well and identify and solve problems
- Collect medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionals.
- Analyse patient data to determine patient needs or treatment goals.
- Administer screening tests to determine abilities or treatment needs.
- Treat patients using physical therapy techniques.
- Develop treatment plans for patients or clients.
- Establish treatment goals.
- Engage patients in exercises or activities.
- Instruct patients in the use of assistive equipment.
- Enter patient or treatment data into computers.
- Refer patients to other health care practitioners or health resources.
You need more than one qualification to become a osteopath.
You need
- a Bachelor of Musculoskeletal Health and a Postgraduate Diploma in Osteopathy OR
- a relevant bachelor's degree and a Master of Osteopathy
- an Annual Practising Certificate
- to pass a police check
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
Osteopathic Council of New Zealand
Kaunihera Haumanu Tuahiwi o Aotearoa
Phone Number,04 474 0747
https://www.osteopathiccouncil.org.nz/If you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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