Administration team leader, Kaihautū rōpū mahi whakarite
Also known as
- Business support team leader, operations support team leader, administration services team leader
- , Kaiwhakahaere Kaiāwhina Tari
Administration team leaders manage or supervise administration and support staff.
Your pay could be
$62K to $97K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Administration team leaders
- usually work regular business hours
- usually work in offices
- need to be organised, lead others and communicate well
- Supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Respond to customer problems or complaints.
- Train personnel.
- Examine documents to verify adherence to requirements.
- Prepare employee work schedules.
- Administer personnel recruitment or hiring activities.
- Compile data or documentation.
- Prepare research or technical reports.
- Develop organisational policies or programmes.
You need experience to become an administration team leader and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- experience in similar work
You may need
- a relevant tertiary qualification in administration, management or similar area
- to pass a police check
- to pass a medical assessment and drug test
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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