Sports coach, Pouako hākinakina
Also known as
- Coach, instructor
Sports coaches train amateur and professional athletes to compete in sport.
02:27 mins
Your pay could be
$58K to $89K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Sports coaches
- usually work irregular and long hours
- usually work at indoor or outdoor sports facilities, and may travel locally and internationally
- need to lead others, identify and solve problems, and communicate well
- Co-ordinate athletic or sporting events or activities.
- Train others on performance techniques.
- Coach others.
- Select staff, team members, or performers.
- Evaluate skills of athletes or performers.
- Coordinate logistics for productions or events.
- Maintain knowledge of laws or regulations.
- Provide educational information to the public.
- Manage operations of artistic or entertainment departments or organisations.
- Maintain records, documents, or other files.
You need experience to become a sports coach and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- experience in your sport
You may need
- experience coaching your sport at a voluntary level
- a New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching (Levels 3 and 4)
- to pass a police check
- a First Aid Certificate
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 2 may be useful.
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