Exercise and wellness coordinator, Kairuruku kori tinana me te oranga
Also known as
- Wellness manager, club manager, gym manager, fitness and wellness manager
Exercise and wellness coordinators run health programmes and services in gyms and organisations.
1;51 mins
Your pay could be
$26 to $41
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Exercise and wellness coordinators
- usually work regular business hours but may work evenings and weekends
- usually work in gyms, recreation centres and exercise centres
- need to be organised, work well under pressure and communicate well
- Manage guest services.
- Supervise employees.
- Conduct opinion surveys or needs assessments.
- Manage outreach activities.
- Implement organisational process or policy changes.
- Prepare operational budgets.
- Evaluate programme effectiveness.
- Schedule activities or facility use.
- Maintain personnel records.
- Hire personnel.
You usually need experience to become an exercise and wellness coordinator and a qualification may be useful.
You may need
- experience in similar work
- a New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 4) or other relevant tertiary qualification
- a current First Aid and CPR Certificate
- a driver licence
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 2 may be useful.
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