Exercise instructor, Kaiwhakaako kori tinana
Also known as
- Gym instructor, personal trainer, fitness instructor
- , Kaiwhakangungu Tinana, Kaiwhakaako Whakapakari
Exercise instructors coach and train people in physical exercises to improve health and fitness. They may specialise in certain types of exercise or work as personal trainers.
1:51 mins
Your pay could be
$25 to $34
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Exercise instructors
- usually work irregular hours, including early mornings, nights and weekends
- usually work in gyms, recreation centres and exercise centres, and may travel locally
- may work in hot and noisy conditions
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be organised, safety conscious and communicate well
- Evaluate capabilities or training needs.
- Develop educational or training programmes.
- Teach exercise or fitness techniques.
- Enforce rules or regulations.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Demonstrate activity techniques or equipment use.
- Administer first aid.
- Perform basic equipment maintenance.
- Teach health or hygiene practices.
- Maintain supply or equipment inventories.
You usually need a qualification and experience to become an exercise instructor.
You need
- a First Aid Certificate
You may need
- a CPR Certificate
- a New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 4 and 5)
- a New Zealand Certificate in Freestyle Group Exercise (Level 4) or similar
- experience in similar work
- membership with the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 2 may be useful.
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