Adult education teacher, Kaiako mātauranga pakeke
Also known as
- Literacy and numeracy tutor, foundation skills tutor, adult literacy tutor, adult community educator, literacy, numeracy and digital skills tutor
Adult education teachers teach literacy and numeracy to adults and young people who have left secondary school without qualifications.
Your pay could be
$68K to $85K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Adult education teachers
- usually work full or part time, including evenings and weekends
- usually work in classrooms
- need to be responsible, organised and communicate well
- Monitor student performance.
- Evaluate student work.
- Assess educational needs of students.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Encourage students.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Plan educational activities.
- Assign class work to students.
You usually need a qualification to become an adult education teacher and experience may be useful.
You may need
- a New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Educator) (Level 5)
- a New Zealand Diploma in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Level 6)
- experience in similar work
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 2 to do the study or training for this job.
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