Early childhood teacher, Kaiako kōhungahunga
Also known as
- Kindergarten teacher, ECE teacher, daycare teacher, early learning teacher, preschool teacher, playcentre supervisor, creche teacher
- , Kōhanga Reo Kaiako
Early childhood teachers support tamariki to learn and develop new skills in kindergartens, childcare centres, kōhanga reo and other early learning settings.
2:39 mins
Your pay could be
$72K to $93K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Early childhood teachers
- usually work regular hours but may work part time
- usually work in kindergartens or childcare centres
- need to be organised, responsible and communicate well
- Teach life skills.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behaviour.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Provide for basic needs of children.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Plan educational activities.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behaviour, social development, or health.
- Evaluate student work.
You need a qualification to become a registered early childhood teacher.
You need
- a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) or similar OR
- a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood) or similar
- an Annual Practising Certificate
- to pass a police check
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
Phone Number,04 471 0852
http://www.teachingcouncil.nzIf you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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