Lawyer, Rōia
Also known as
- Solicitor, barrister, legal counsel, attorney, patent attorney, prosecutor, defence lawyer
- , Rōia Kōti
Lawyers advise and represent clients in legal matters. They also do research, prepare legal documents and defend clients in criminal or civil court proceedings.
2:43 mins
Your pay could be
$82K to $216K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours but may extra hours
- usually work in offices and courts
- may do emotionally demanding work
- need to be organised, communicate well and identify and solve problems
- Identify implications for cases from legal precedents or other legal information.
- Provide legal advice to clients.
- Interview claimants to get information related to legal proceedings.
- Meet with individuals involved in legal processes to provide information and clarify issues.
- Represent the interests of clients in legal proceedings.
- Research relevant legal materials to aid decision making.
- Prepare legal documents.
- Arbitrate disputes between parties to resolve legal conflicts.
- Supervise activities of other legal personnel.
- Prepare documentation of legal proceedings.
You need more than one qualification to become a lawyer.
You need
- a Bachelor of Laws
- to pass the Professional Legal Studies course
- a certificate of completion from the New Zealand Council of Legal Education
- a certificate of character from the New Zealand Law Society
- to be admitted to the Roll of Barristers and Solicitors of the High Court of New Zealand
- a practising certificate from the New Zealand Law Society
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
New Zealand Law Society
Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa
Phone Number,04 472 7837 you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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