Coroner, Kaitirotiro tūpāpaku
Also known as
- Chief coroner
Coroners are experienced lawyers who investigate unexpected, suspicious or violent deaths to establish a cause. They may order autopsies, hold inquiries, or make recommendations.
Your pay could be
$345K to $365K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours, but may work irregular and long hours or be on call
- usually work in offices and courts and may travel locally
- may do emotionally demanding work
- need to be responsible, communicate well and work well under pressure
- Document information related to legal proceedings.
- Prepare legal or investigatory documentation.
- Collect evidence for legal proceedings.
- Interview witnesses, suspects, or claimants.
- Supervise employees.
- Inform individuals or organisations of status or findings.
- Coordinate logistics or other business operations.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Co-ordinate enforcement of laws or regulations.
You need more than one qualification and experience to become a coroner.
You need
- a Bachelor of Laws
- to be admitted to the Roll of Barristers and Solicitors of the High Court of New Zealand
- to have held a practising certificate from the New Zealand Law Society for at least 5 years
- 5 years' experience as a practising solicitor and barrister
- an Annual Practising Certificate
- appointment by the Governor-General on the advice of the Attorney General after consultation with the Minister of Justice
- to pass a police and background check
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
New Zealand Law Society
Te Kāhui Tere o Aotearoa
Phone Number,0800 22 30 30 you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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