Quantitative analyst, Kaitātari whakataunga haumi, wāriu hoki
Also known as
- Quantitative researcher, financial quantitative analyst, pricing analyst, funding analyst, sales analyst, labour market analyst
Quantitative analysts design models and create strategies for businesses to make informed investment decisions and valuations of financial assets.
Your pay could be
$71K to $122K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Quantitative analysts
- usually work regular business hours
- usually work in offices
- need to be accurate, identify and solve problems and communicate well
- Apply mathematical models of financial or business conditions.
- Advise others on analytical techniques.
- Develop business or financial information systems.
- Assess the cost effectiveness of products, projects, or services.
- Confer with personnel to coordinate business operations.
- Analyse business or financial data.
- Develop financial analysis methods.
- Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
- Discuss business strategies, practices, or policies with managers.
- Monitor business indicators.
You usually need experience to become a quantitative analyst and a qualification may be useful.
You may need
- experience in quantitative analysis or market research roles
- a relevant tertiary qualification in statistics, mathematics, psychology or similar area
- knowledge of industry regulations
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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