Actuary, Kaitauwhiro pūtea
Also known as
- Actuarial scientist, actuarial analyst, appointed actuary, valuation actuary, pricing actuary, risk modelling actuary, actuarial data scientist
Actuaries predict and assess the financial risks and impacts of future events. They work in areas like insurance, superannuation and investment.
1:53 mins
Your pay could be
$116K to $235K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours
- usually work in offices
- need to be methodical, accurate and identify and solve problems
- Manage financial activities of the organisation.
- Develop organisational goals or objectives.
- Analyse health-related data.
- Analyse data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
- Negotiate contracts with clients or service providers.
- Collaborate with others to develop or implement marketing strategies.
- Provide customer service to clients or users.
You usually need a qualification to become an actuary.
You may need
- a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science
- a relevant postgraduate tertiary qualification
- experience in similar work
- to be an associate member of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
New Zealand Society of Actuaries
Phone Number,04 815 8179 you’re in school
You usually need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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