Manufacturing potter, Kaihanga huanga uku
Also known as
- Potter, ceramic artist, production potter, ceramics worker, pottery process worker
Manufacturing potters process clay and make ceramic, pottery and stoneware products. They may glaze and fire pieces in kilns or furnaces to dry and finish clay products.
Your pay could be
$53K to $71K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Manufacturing potters
- usually work shifts, including evenings and weekends
- usually work in workshops and factories
- need to be accurate, practical and methodical
- Operate heating or drying equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Mix ingredients to create specific finishes.
- Shape clay or dough to create products.
- Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Position raw materials on processing or production equipment.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Construct distinctive physical objects for artistic, functional, or commercial purposes.
- Develop professional relationships or networks.
You usually learn on the job to become a manufacturing potter.
You may need
- experience as a potter or ceramic artist
- a tertiary qualfication in arts and design including ceramics
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 2 may be useful.
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