Shoemaker, Hūmeke
Also known as
- Shoe repairer, footwear repairer, bootmaker, footwear maker, footwear laster, footwear production machine operator
Shoemakers design, make, repair and finish shoes, boots and other footwear.
Your pay could be
$53K to $63K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours but may work extra hours
- usually work work in factories and workrooms
- need to be practical, accurate and methodical
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Operate sewing equipment.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Conduct test runs of production equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
You usually learn on the job to become a shoemaker and experience and a qualification may be useful.
You may need
- experience in similar work
- a Bachelor of Product Design or Design
- a New Zealand Certificate in Manufacturing (Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5)
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 3 may be useful.
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