Advertising sales representative, Māngai whakatairanga hoko
Also known as
- Advertising sales executive, advertising agent representative, advertising sales consultant, sales advertising and service representative
- , Kaiwhakahaere Matua Whakatairanga Hoko
Advertising sales representatives sell advertising space and services at TV, radio, print and digital media companies.
Your pay could be
$53K to $89K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Advertising sales representatives
- usually work regular business hours but may work evenings or weekends
- usually work in offices and may travel locally and nationally
- need to be organised, responsible and communicate well
- Develop content for sales presentations or other materials.
- Deliver promotional presentations to current or prospective customers.
- Identify potential customers.
- Develop professional relationships or networks.
- Estimate costs or terms of sales.
- Contact current or potential customers to promote products or services.
- Explain technical product or service information to customers.
- Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
- Study product information to acquire professional knowledge.
- Prepare sales or other contracts.
You usually need experience to become an advertising sales representative.
You may need
- experience in similar work
- a driver licence
- a relevant tertiary qualification in creative advertising or marketing and sales
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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