Florist, Kaihoko putiputi
Also known as
- Floral designer, flower arranger
Florists cut and arrange flowers and other plants for customers and clients. They may also grow and order flowers and run their own business.
2:27 mins
Your pay could be
$24 to $29
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours but may start early and work weekends
- usually work in shops and may travel locally
- may work in cold conditions
- need to be creative, organised and communicate well
- Confer with clients to determine needs.
- Select materials or props.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Arrange delivery of goods or services.
- Develop artistic or design concepts for decoration, exhibition, or commercial purposes.
- Construct distinctive physical objects for artistic, functional, or commercial purposes.
- Maintain records, documents, or other files.
- Provide educational information to the public.
- Arrange artwork, products, or props.
- Train others on work processes.
You usually learn on the job to become a florist and a qualification may be useful.
You may need
- experience in similar work
- a tertiary qualification in floristry like a New Zealand Certificate in Floristry (Level 2, 3 or 4)
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job, but Level 2 may be useful.
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