Political scientist, Kaipūtaiao tōrangapū
Also known as
- Political analyst, political science researcher, legislative analyst
- , kamatai torangapu me te ao
Political scientists study political systems. They research and analyse political ideas, governments, policies, political trends and related issues.
Your pay could be
$82K to $144K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Political scientists
- usually work regular business hours
- usually work in offices and may travel
- need to be logical, communicate well and identify and solve problems
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Instruct tertiary students in social sciences or humanities disciplines.
- Develop theories or models of physical phenomena.
- Conduct research on social issues.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Evaluate civic projects or public policies.
- Advise others on matters of public policy.
- Forecast economic, political, or social trends.
- Prepare information or documentation related to legal or regulatory matters.
You usually need a qualification to become a political scientist.
You may need
- a Bachelor’s degree
- a postgraduate degree in political studies, international relations, or similar
If you’re in school
You usually need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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