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How to write a cover letter, Me pēhea te tuhi i tētahi reta whakamārama

Updated 01 Aug 2024

A cover letter is your chance to make a positive impression on an employer. Here’s how to write a great one.

A young woman holds a pen in one hand as she writes on a notepad. In the other hand she holds a mobile phone. She is sitting on a couch in a living area.

What is a cover letter?
He aha tēnei mea te reta whakamārama?,

A cover letter goes with your CV when you apply for a job. It gives employers an idea of who you are and why you’re the best person for the job.

Your cover letter shouldn’t repeat everything that’s in your CV – it’s like a snapshot of your skills and experience that match what the employer is looking for.

Use this guide, examples and templates to make it easy for you to write a good cover letter.

Why a cover letter is important
Ngā take e hira ana te reta whakamārama,

Employers will usually read your cover letter before they look at your CV, which is why it’s so important. If they like what's in your cover letter, they’re more likely to read your CV.

A good cover letter will get your application noticed if lots of people are applying for the same job.

Skills-focused cover letter example

Skills-focused cover letter template

Work-focused cover letter example

Work-focused cover letter template

What to include in your cover letter
Ngā mea hei whakauru atu ki tō reta whakamārama,

Tell the employer why you’re interested in the job and how your skills and experience match what they’re looking for. You could do some research about the organisation to find out if their goals and values fit with yours.

Always include:

  • the date of your job application and your contact details
  • the employer’s name and the job you’re applying for
  • your current situation and why you’re interested in the job
  • why you’d like to work for the organisation (use your research)
  • how your skills and experience match the job
  • what makes you a great person to have in a team.

Make it personal

Try to always address your cover letter to the contact person in the job ad. If there isn’t a name, contact the company to find one.

If you can’t find a name, use ‘Dear hiring manager’ or ‘Kia ora’ to suit the job you’re applying for.

Be positive and enthusiastic
Kia ngākau reka, kia ngākau whakapuke,

Let the employer know you’re keen on the job and you’re confident about your skills.

Use positive wording like, ‘I stay calm and focused in a busy environment’ or ‘I have great people skills’.

Change your cover letter to suit the job
Hurihia tō reta whakamārama kia hāngai ai ki te mahi,

Every job is different so make sure you change your cover letter to suit the one you’re applying for.

Include skills and experience from your CV that fit with what the employer is looking for.

Make your cover letter easy to read
Whakaritea he reta whakamārama he māmā te pānui,

You can make your cover letter easy for employers to read if you:

  • use simple wording
  • use a plain black font, like Calibri 11
  • use bullet points to list information
  • use short sentences and short paragraphs
  • don’t use images
  • keep your cover letter to 1 page.

AI tools
Ngā utauta atamai hangahanga,

AI tools can create a cover letter almost instantly but check to make sure it’s correct and makes sense.

It’s a good idea to rewrite some sentences in your own words so it will be more personal and make you stand out to an employer.

Do a final check
Whakaotia he tirohanga whakamutunga,

Before you send off your cover letter with your CV, remember to:

  • check it for spelling and grammar and ask someone else to check it too
  • send it in a PDF format unless the employer asks for a Word version
  • use your first and last name and cover letter in the filename, for example, sam-henderson-cover letter.pdf.

When you apply by email:

  • copy and paste your cover letter into the email
  • check the formatting looks good
  • attach the PDF version as well as your CV.

Cover letter templates and examples
Ētahi tātauira, tauira hoki o te reta whakamārama,

Use the cover letter examples and templates that fit you best.

If you're a school leaver, have no work experience or have gaps in your work history, use a skills-focused cover letter.

If you have work experience, want to change jobs or move to your next career stage, use a work-focused cover letter.

Find out more, Ako atu

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