Biosecurity officer, Āpiha haumaru koiora
Also known as
- Biosecurity field officer, biosecurity field operator, biodiversity officer, biosecurity technician
Biosecurity officers check areas of land and water for harmful animals or plants and organise pest destruction and control.
Your pay could be
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Most common
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Biosecurity officers
- usually work regular business hours but may work extra hours
- usually work in offices and outdoors and may travel locally
- may work in all weather and hazardous conditions involving chemicals
- need to be practical, responsible and safety conscious
- inspect plants, land and water for pests
- ensure compliance with pest laws
- report on legal breaches of pest issues
- develop pest management policies
- manage pest removal and restoration projects
- advise landowners on pest control
- collect data on pest control trials
- educate the public on pest control
- arrange for pest removal
You usually need a qualification to become a biosecurity officer and experience may be useful.
You may need
- a tertiary qualification in horticultural science, environmental studies, agriculture, environmental science, pest management or similar area
- a master’s degree in conservation biology, ecology, pest management or similar area
- experience in similar work
- a Growsafe certificate
- a driver licence
If you’re in school
You usually need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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