Drainage labourer, Kaimahi manga
Also known as
- Assistant drainlayer, plumber’s assistant, sewerage and stormwater labourer
- , Kaiāwhina ringarehe kōrere
Drainage labourers do basic tasks to help drainlayers maintain drainage, sewerage and stormwater systems.
Your pay could be
$53K to $85K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Drainage labourers
- usually work regular hours but may work weekends or evenings
- usually work in different places, and travel locally to worksites
- may work outdoors in all weather conditions
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be practical, reliable and safety conscious
- Measure materials or objects for installation or assembly.
- Cut metal components for installation.
- Install plumbing or piping.
- Cut openings in existing structures.
- Drill holes in construction materials.
- Maintain plumbing structures or fixtures.
- Assist skilled construction or extraction personnel.
- Assemble products or production equipment.
- Move construction or extraction materials to locations where they are needed.
- Install building fixtures.
You usually learn on the job to become a drainage labourer.
You need
- a driver licence
You may need
- a driver licence with a special-type (RTW) vehicle endorsement
- a Class 2 driver licence or higher
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job.
Loading job adsOther career ideas in Plumbing, gas and drainageĒtahi atu huatau aramahi i Mahi paipa wai, haurehu me ngā manga,
Guides, Ngā aratohu
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