Concreter, Kaimahi raima
Also known as
- Concrete worker, concrete finisher, concrete placer, concrete pump operator, concrete installer
Concreters mix, spread and finish concrete for construction projects like buildings and footpaths.
2:06 mins
Your pay could be
$25 to $40
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work regular business hours but may work early mornings, evenings and weekends
- usually work on building and construction sites and may travel locally
- may work in noisy, dirty and hazardous conditions
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be practical, accurate and safety conscious
- Inspect completed work to ensure proper installation.
- Position construction forms or moulds.
- Spread concrete or other aggregate mixtures.
- Finish concrete surfaces.
- Monitor construction operations.
- Pour materials into or on designated areas.
- Signal equipment operators to indicate proper equipment positioning.
- Direct construction or extraction personnel.
- Apply sealants or other protective coatings.
- Compact materials to create level bases.
You usually learn on the job to become a concreter and a qualification may be useful.
You may need
- to do an apprenticeship and get a New Zealand Certificate in Concrete Construction
- to get a licensed building practitioners foundations licence
- a driver licence with a special-type vehicle endorsement
If you’re in school
You usually don't need specific NCEA levels for this job.
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