Carpet installer, Kaiwhakatakoto whāriki
Also known as
- Carpet layer, floor covering installer, carpet installer, carpet installer apprentice, carpeter, carpet layer apprentice
Carpet installers lay, replace or repair carpet and underlay on floors.
2:14 mins
Your pay could be
$51K to $85K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Carpet installers
- usually work regular business hours, but may work long and irregular hours
- usually work in homes and commercial buildings that are being built or renovated and may travel locally
- may work in dusty and hazardous conditions
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be accurate, practical and safety conscious
- Inspect work sites to determine condition or necessary repairs.
- Measure materials or objects for installation or assembly.
- Prepare surfaces for finishing.
- Cut carpet, vinyl or other flexible materials.
- Mark reference points on construction materials.
- Install carpet or flooring.
- Smooth surfaces with abrasive materials or tools.
- Plan layout of construction, installation, or repairs.
- Review blueprints or specifications to determine work requirements.
- Measure work site dimensions.
You need to do an apprenticeship to become a carpet installer and experience may be useful.
You need
- to do an apprenticeship and get a New Zealand Certificate in Flooring Installation (Level 4) or similar
You may need
- a driver licence
- experience in similar work
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 2 to do the study or training for this job.
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