Postal delivery worker, Kaimahi kawe mēra
Also known as
- Postie, delivery agent, mail carrier, mail deliverer, postal delivery officer, mail delivery person, mail delivery contractor
- , Āpiha Tiki Mēra
Postal delivery workers sort and deliver mail and parcels to homes and businesses.
2:46 mins
Your pay could be
$53K to $69K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Postal delivery workers
- usually work irregular hours, including early mornings and may be on call
- usually start work in post offices or mail centres then travel locally to make deliveries
- may work in all weather conditions and in heavy traffic
- may do physically demanding work
- need to be accurate, reliable and communicate well
- Enter information into databases or software programs.
- Obtain written authorisation to perform activities.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Route mail to correct destinations.
- Sort mail.
- Deliver items.
- Arrange insurance coverage.
- Prepare outgoing mail.
- Perform administrative or clerical tasks.
- Provide notifications to customers or patrons.
You usually learn on the job to become a postal delivery worker.
You need
- a driver licence or a motorcycle licence
- to pass a drug test
- to pass a police check
You may need
- your own vehicle
If you’re in school
You usually don’t need specific NCEA levels for this job.
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