Nurse practitioner, Mātanga tapuhi
Also known as
- Nursing officer, rural nurse specialist, clinical nurse practitioner, nurse specialist
Nurse practitioners provide general and specialist patient care, including diagnosis, treatments and consultations. They may advise patients about health care and prescribe medication.
Your pay could be
$144K to $151K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Nurse practitioners
- usually work regular business hours but may be on call
- usually work in hospitals and health centres, and may travel locally
- may do emotionally demanding work
- need to be accurate, communicate well and identify and solve problems
- Record patient medical histories.
- Develop medical treatment plans.
- Communicate detailed medical information to patients or family members.
- Analyse test data or images to inform diagnosis or treatment.
- Diagnose medical conditions.
- Treat medical emergencies.
- Prescribe medications.
- Treat chronic diseases or disorders.
- Prescribe treatments or therapies.
- Monitor patient conditions during treatments, procedures, or activities.
You need more than one qualification to become a nurse practitioner.
You need
- at least 4 years’ experience as a registered nurse in a specific area of practice
- an approved clinical Master’s degree programme for the Nursing Council’s nurse practitioner scope of practice
- to pass an assessment against the nurse practitioner competencies by a Nursing Council-approved panel
- an Annual Practising Certificate
- to pass a police check
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
Nursing Council of New Zealand
Te KauniheraTapuhi o Aotearoa
Phone Number,04 385 9589 you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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