Veterinarian, Pūkenga hauora kararehe
Also known as
- Vet, veterinary surgeon, animal doctor, veterinary doctor, certifying veterinarian, veterinary officer, veterinary surgeon
Veterinarians treat animals that need medical or health care as a result of disease, illness or injury.
2:13 mins
Your pay could be
$92K to $163K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
- usually work long and irregular hours, and may work evenings or weekends
- usually work at clinics, farms and zoos, and may travel locally
- may do physically and emotionally demanding work
- need to solve problems, work well under pressure and communicate well
- Treat acute illnesses, infections, or injuries.
- Operate on patients to treat conditions.
- Prescribe medications.
- Immunise patients.
- Examine patients to assess general physical condition.
- Collect biological specimens from patients.
- Analyse test data or images to inform diagnosis or treatment.
- Operate diagnostic imaging equipment.
- Communicate health and wellness information to the public.
- Counsel family members of clients or patients.
You need a qualification to become a veterinarian.
You need
- a Bachelor of Veterinary Science
- an Annual Practising Certificate
You may need
- a driver licence
You need to be registered to do this job. This means you meet your industry's professional standards.
Veterinary Council of New Zealand
Te Kaunihera Rata Kararehe o Aotearoa
Phone Number,04 473 9600 you’re in school
You need University Entrance to do the study or training for this job.
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