Interpreter and translator, Kaiwhakawhiti reo ā-korero, ā-tuhi
Also known as
- Sign language interpreter, court interpreter, interpreter, translator, language translator
Interpreters and translators convert different forms of spoken, signed or written language into other languages.
02:27 mins
Your pay could be
$49K to $85K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Interpreters and translators
- usually work regular business hours, but may work part time or be on call
- usually work in offices, courts, hospitals, schools and other workplaces and may travel locally
- need to be accurate, communicate well and work well under pressure
- Translate information for others.
- Compile technical information or documentation.
- Conduct research to inform art, designs, or other work.
- Verify accuracy of data.
- Provide educational information to the public.
- Edit written materials.
- Train others on work processes.
- Confer with clients to determine needs.
You need experience to become an interpreter or translator and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- experience in similar work
- skilled in English and one other language
You may need
- a Diploma in Interpreting and Translating (Level 6)
- a Postgraduate Certificate in Translation and Interpreting
- a Bachelor of Arts (NZSL-English Interpreting)
- a Master of Applied Translation and Interpreting
- a recognised practising credential
If you’re in school
You usually need Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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