Fine artist, Ringatoi auaha
Also known as
- Artist, sculptor, printmaker, painter, digital artist, contemporary artist, performance artist
- , Kaitoi
Fine artists create original artwork using a variety of media and techniques.
02:46 mins
Your pay could be
$55K to $87K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Fine artists
- usually work irregular and long hours
- usually work in art studios or workshops, and may travel nationally and internationally
- need to be creative, organised and communicate well
- Develop artistic or design concepts for decoration, exhibition, or commercial purposes.
- Build models, patterns, or templates.
- Construct distinctive physical objects for artistic, functional, or commercial purposes.
- Arrange artwork, products, or props.
- Draw detailed or technical illustrations.
- Prepare materials for preservation, storage, or display.
- Collaborate with others to determine technical details of productions.
- Send information, materials or documentation.
- Present work to clients for approval.
- Conduct research to inform art, designs, or other work.
You need experience to become a fine artist and a qualification may be useful.
You need
- experience creating artwork in your chosen medium
- examples of your work
You may need
- a relevant tertiary qualification
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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