Health promoter, Kaiwhakatairanga hauora
Also known as
- Community health educator, public health adviser, community health worker, asthma educator, dental health adviser, first aid instructor
- , Ngaio mātauranga hauora
Health promoters support whānau and communities to have better health and wellbeing. They work with health agencies to develop and deliver programmes and policies.
Your pay could be
$55K to $88K
Most common
How does this pay compare?
Pay is before tax
Health promoters
- usually work regular business hours but may work extra hours
- usually work in offices, health centres and clinics and may travel locally
- need to be responsible, lead others and communicate well
- Provide educational materials to community members.
- Develop working relationships with others to facilitate programme activities.
- Maintain social services programme records.
- Plan programmes to address community health issues.
- Present social services programme information to the public.
- Assess individual or community needs for educational or social services.
- Collect information about community health needs.
- Develop tools to diagnose or assess needs.
- Supervise workers providing client or patient services.
- Develop educational policies.
You usually need a qualification to become a health promoter and experience may be useful.
You need
- to pass a police check
You may need
- a New Zealand Certificate of Achievement in Introduction to Health Promotion (Level 4)
- a New Zealand Certificate in Public Health and Health Promotion (Level 5)
- a Bachelor of Health Science or similar
- experience in similar work
- to register with the Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand
If you’re in school
You usually need NCEA Level 3 to do the study or training for this job.
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