Job application checklist, Rārangi arowhai mō te tono mahi
Updated 24 Mar 2024
It’s a lot of work to prepare a job application and it can be easy to forget something. Here’s a checklist of 10 things to tick off before you send your job application.

Check the employer’s application requirementsHihiratia ngā whakaritenga tono a te kaituku mahi,
Give your application the best chance by following the application instructions exactly. For example, does the employer want you to email your CV and cover letter or upload them to a website? Do you need to provide other documents? Make a list of the application requirements so you can check them.
Check your CVHihiratia tō tāhuhu tangata,
Make sure your CV includes all your skills and the keywords in the job ad. Check you’ve saved it with a label that includes your first and last name. Finally, proofread it carefully, and ask a friend to do this too.
Check your cover letterHihiratia tō reta whakamārama,
Just like your CV, make sure your cover letter includes keywords from the job ad. Check you’ve saved it with a label that includes your first and last name, the job title and the organisation. Make sure the organisation contact, job information and date are correct. And proofread it carefully.
Check your document formatHihiratia te hōputu o tō tuhinga,
While you’ve probably created your CV and cover letter in Word or Google Docs, you should save them in a PDF format too. Usually you’ll send the PDF files for your application. But have a Word version ready in case an employer asks for that format.
Check your application formHihiratia tō puka tono,
You may need to complete an application form on paper or on a computer. Check all your details are correct and current. Check that everything is spelled correctly and you’ve used good grammar. Make sure all the boxes are filled out.
Check your online job profileHihiratia tō kīwhaiaro tuihono,
If you’ve created an online job profile on LinkedIn or SEEK, make sure it matches your CV and everything is current. If you have other social media accounts, either make them private or clean up anything you wouldn’t want an employer to see.
Check your email addressHihiratia tō wāhitau īmēra,
Use a professional email address for job applications – just your first and last name is fine. Make sure it’s the same on all your application documents and online job profile.
Check your voicemail messageHihiratia tō karere mērareo,
Listen to your phone voicemail message and update it if you need to. It should be simple – just your name and a request to leave a message.
Check how to submit your applicationHihiratia te āhua tika mō te tāpae i tō tono,
You might hand your CV over in person, send it with your cover letter by email, or submit your whole application online. Whichever way the employer prefers, make sure you follow their instructions exactly.
Check your application was sent and receivedMe hihira kua tukuna tō tonu, ā, kua tae tika atu,
If you can, check that your application was sent and received successfully. Check your sent items folder or you may get an email back that confirms receipt. It’s a good idea to know the job, job contact details and date you sent the application for when someone contacts you.