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Study and train at universities, Te ako me te whakangungu i ngā whare wānanga

Updated 23 Jun 2024

University study develops thinking and other skills you can use for your whole career, no matter what direction you take.

A male student and female student study at a table in a library. They write in notebooks and have a laptop and a textbook.

What university study involves
Ngā āhuatanga e whai wāhi ana ki te ako i te whare wānanga,

A university programme develops skills like thinking, reasoning, communication and research. You’ll be able to use these skills throughout your career and in many types of mahi.

You can attend university full time or part time, and complete many programmes by distance or online learning.

What you do as a university student
Ngā mahi e mahi ana koe hei ākonga whare wānanga,

As a university ākonga you:

  • manage your own studies
  • go to lectures and tutorials that help you understand the subject
  • gather extra information from textbooks and online sources
  • complete assignments on your own or in a group
  • sit written exams to show what you’ve learned.

In some programmes you might do practical work in a laboratory or outdoors, or do a big research project.

What you get from a university programme
Ngā hua ka whiwhi koe i te hōtaka whare wānanga,

Most university students sign up for a 3-year bachelor’s degree like a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). If you do well, your university may invite you to do another year of study to earn a bachelor honours degree.

Once you graduate with a bachelor’s degree you can do postgraduate study. This could be a Level 8 certificate or diploma, a Level 9 master’s degree or a Level 10 doctoral degree.

If you want to try out university, you can complete a Level 5 or 6 certificate or diploma in 1 or 2 years. These may contribute to a bachelor’s degree if you decide to carry on.

University will make you an expert in your chosen subjects – and will develop thinking and self-management skills that will help you succeed wherever you work. It will also prepare you for leadership roles.

Ten years after graduating, people with bachelor’s degrees usually earn 67% more than the average income.

What you can study and where
Ngā wāhi me ngā marau e taea ai ngā mahi ako,

There are 8 universities in Aotearoa. Seven offer a broad range of subjects including arts, sciences, business, engineering, law and social sciences. Lincoln University specialises in subjects linked to agriculture.

Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara

To see the major subjects on offer at each university under the various bachelor’s qualifications, check out this guide.

What to study and where? – Universities New Zealand

What you need to get into university
Ngā mea me whai koe kia uru ai ki te whare wānanga,

To enrol at a New Zealand university you usually need University Entrance (UE). Your school record of achievement will say if you have University Entrance.

School-leaver qualifications
Ngā tohu mō ērā e wehe ana i te kura,

If you did NCEA at school, your University Entrance is made up of:

  • NCEA Level 3
  • 3 approved NCEA subjects at Level 3 with 14 credits in each
  • 10 literacy credits at Level 2 or above – 5 credits in reading and 5 in writing
  • 20 co-requisite literacy and numeracy credits.

Other school-leaver qualifications are also accepted for University Entrance like Cambridge Assessment International Examinations and International Baccalaureate.

Getting in without University Entrance
Te whakauru me te kore whai Urunga ki te Whare Wānanga,

If you’re 20 or older, you may be able to apply for special admission.

If you left school at Year 12, you can apply for entrance based on your Year 12 results.

Visit the university’s website to check entry and programme requirements.

Getting ready for university
Te takatū mō te haere ki te whare wānanga,

There’s a lot to think about in the year before you start university – not just what you want to study but where you’ll live and how you’ll pay for it.

This timeline tells you what you need to think about and what order to do things in.

Get ready – Universities New Zealand

Support at university
Te tautoko i te whare wānanga,

There’s plenty to figure out when you start university. No need to worry – there’s lots of support available.

Every university has a team of people to help you choose a programme and get enrolled. They can help you swap subjects or restructure your course if you change your mind. Search the university website to find out who to contact about student services.

Universities also have support services and networks to make life easier while you’re an ākonga. Check the website to see what’s on offer like libraries, help with learning, Māori and Pacific support and financial support.

If you have questions or worries about lecture material or coursework, you can ask your lecturer or tutor for advice.

Find out more, Ako atu

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