Study and train at Te Pūkenga, Te ako me te whakangungu i Te Pūkenga
Updated 24 Mar 2024

What you can do through Te PūkengaNgā mahi i taea mā Te Pūkenga,
- Become an apprentice or trainee – learn on-the-job, get qualified and earn money as you work.
- Learn while you work – if you want to get ahead in your job, you can get qualifications as part of your normal mahi.
- Distance or online learning – study from anywhere using posted or online coursework.
- Learn on campus – learn alongside others in classrooms or workshops.
- A mixture of these options to suit your circumstances.
What you get from Te Pūkenga programmesNgā hua ka whiwhi koe i ngā hōtaka o Te Pūkenga,
Vocational education and training gives you skills that can lead to an exciting career.
Whether you're looking for your first job or retraining, there are programmes to get you started in all sorts of industries. You can get qualifications for everything from building to aged care, and from viticulture to mechanical engineering.
You’ll finish your programme with a set of work-ready skills and feel confident you can use them for
Qualifications you can getNgā tohu ka āhei te whiwhi,
Programmes offered through
- New Zealand Certificates at Levels 1 to 6
- New Zealand Diplomas at Levels 5 to 7
- Bachelor’s degrees at Level 7
- Graduate and postgraduate certificates, diplomas and degrees at Levels 7 to 10.
New Zealand Apprenticeships lead to Level 3 and Level 4 New Zealand Certificates.
Where you can do a programmeNgā wāhi e taea ai tētahi hōtaka te whai,
If you want to do an apprenticeship, remember that you’ll need to find a job first. That might mean it’s easier to find a building apprenticeship in Auckland, or a viticulture apprenticeship in Marlborough.
What you need to get into a programmeNgā mea me whai koe kia uru ai ki tētahi hōtaka,
Entry requirements depend on the programme you want to do. Level 1 to 3 certificates might not have any requirements. For programmes at Level 4 and higher, you might need specific NCEA subjects or achievement standards at a certain level.
Find out what you need by looking up your programme on the
How to get helpMe pēhea te tiki āwhina,
There’s a lot to get used to when you start vocational education and training. Don’t worry too much – each
You can ask about anything, like which programme you should choose, costs, equipment and how to find an apprenticeship.
If you have questions or worries about learning material or coursework, you can ask your tutor or support services for advice.