Study and train at private training establishments, Te ako me te whakangungu i ngā whare whakangungu motuhake
Updated 24 Mar 2024
Aotearoa has more than 400 private training establishments – often called PTEs. They offer all sorts of tertiary study and training, including industry training, professional qualifications, degrees and postgraduate study.

What is a private training establishment?He aha tēnei mea te whare whakangungu motuhake?,
Private training establishments (PTEs) are places where you can get skills and qualifications to do a wide range of mahi.
They can be run as a business, a trust or a not-for-profit organisation and some are publicly funded. The Government regulates all PTEs, which means they have to meet certain requirements and provide quality education.
PTEs are independent, so each PTE may look and feel very different to others. Some PTEs follow
What you can do at a private training establishmentNgā mahi ka taea i te whare whakangungu motuhake,
Here are just a few of the subjects you can learn at a private training establishment:
- aviation
- computing
- design
- deep sea fishing
- electrical engineering
- hairdressing
- health and wellbeing
- hospitality
- kōhanga reo teacher training
- literacy and numeracy
- management
- massage
- performing arts
- te reo Māori
- theology
Types of study and trainingNgā momo ako me ngā whakangungu,
At a private training establishment you can do:
- industry training
- New Zealand Apprenticeships
- certificates and diplomas at Levels 1 to 7
- bachelor's degrees and graduate qualifications at Level 7
- postgraduate qualifications at Levels 8 to 10.
Many PTEs offer short programmes with several start dates in a year, so you can pick up study or training when it suits you.
Where you can do a PTE programmeNgā wāhi e taea ai tētahi hōtaka PTE te whai,
More than 400 PTEs offer programmes at over 1,000 sites across the
What you need to get into a PTE programmeNgā mea me whai koe kia uru ai ki tētahi hōtaka PTE,
Entry requirements depend on the programme you want to do. Level 1 to 3 certificates might not have any requirements. For programmes at Level 4 and higher, you might need specific NCEA subjects or achievement standards at a certain level.
Find out what you need by looking up your programme on the PTE’s website.