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Find out what different study and training providers can offer.
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There are different types of providers you can study and train with when you finish school. Find out which ones will give you the skills and knowledge you will need for your future career.
University study develops thinking and other skills you can use for your whole career, no matter what direction you take.
Wānanga learning is grounded in kaupapa Māori (ideology) and āhuatanga Māori (tradition). You can study for qualifications at every level in a mātauranga Māori (knowledge) environment that is informed by tikanga Māori (customs).
Te Pūkenga is the place to find out about vocational education and training in Aotearoa – the kind of learning that takes you out of the classroom and into the world of mahi. This type of study or training gets you the skills and knowledge you need to walk straight into a great job and give back to your whānau and community.
Aotearoa has more than 400 private training establishments – often called PTEs. They offer all sorts of tertiary study and training, including industry training, professional qualifications, degrees and postgraduate study.