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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

Credit work or study towards a qualification, Whiwhi whiwhinga mahi, ka ako rānei mō tētahi tohu

Updated 24 Mar 2024

If you’ve got work skills or study and training credits, they could count towards a qualification. This could bring your career goals closer and save you repeating work you’ve already done.

A young woman opens a letter while sitting on a sofa in her lounge. A young man looks at the letter over her shoulder.

Types of learning that count
Ngā momo ako e whaitake ana,

There are 2 ways to credit work or study towards a qualification.

  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL) – if you have relevant skills or knowledge.
  • Credit recognition and transfer (CRT) – if you want to change your course or education provider.

Education providers might call these by different names – if you can’t find any information on their website, contact them by phone or email.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Te āhukahuka i ngā akoranga o mua (RPL),

You can gain skills and knowledge in many ways like work, informal learning or life experience.

If you want to study a programme that teaches more about the skills or knowledge you already have, you can ask the education provider to have your learning recognised.

If the provider agrees, you could be awarded credit towards your qualification and not have to study that part of the programme.

You’ll need to prove your skills or knowledge by showing things like:

  • photos of work you’ve created
  • awards or certificates you’ve gained
  • a letter from your employer stating the work you did and the standard you achieved.

You might also need to do a test, have an interview or complete other assessments.

Credit recognition and transfer (CRT)
Te āhukahuka me te whakawhiti whiwhinga (CRT),

If you’ve done some tertiary study and decide to change to a different qualification or study somewhere else, you might be able to transfer credits from your previous study.

You do this by applying for credit recognition and transfer from your education provider. If you’re changing provider, you apply to the new one. They’ll compare what you’ve already learned with the learning required for your new programme to see how it matches up.

You’ll need to show them your academic record (or academic transcript) to prove what study you’ve done so far. You might need to provide other documents too, like a record of work hours or special licences.

Tips on credit recognition
He kupu āwhina mō te āhukahuka whiwhinga,

  • It’s best to apply for RPL or CRT before you enrol in case it affects your course choices, but you can apply at any time.
  • Getting a significant amount of credit could affect your student loans and allowances, particularly if it means you don’t need to study full time.

Recognising learning for credit – NZQA

Find out more, Ako atu

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