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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

About micro-credentials, Mō ngā tohu iti motuhake

Updated 24 Mar 2024

Getting a micro-credential shows employers you have special skills or knowledge.

Two adult students discuss a page of notes at a desk in a classroom.

What is a micro-credential?
He aha tēnei mea te tohu iti motuhake?,

Micro-credentials are a way to prove you’ve achieved specific skills or knowledge. You can get a micro-credential by completing a short course or by proving you’ve already developed the skills at work.

Micro-credentials are available in a wide range of areas including trades, primary industries, business and the automotive industry.

What level is a micro-credential?
Kei tēhea taumata te tohu iti motuhake?,

You can achieve micro-credentials at qualification Levels 2 to 8. They’re worth between 5 and 40 credits, which you may be able to credit towards a formal qualification.

How to get a micro-credential
Me pēhea te whiwhi tohu iti motuhake,

To get a micro-credential you may need to:

  • study online or in a classroom
  • learn skills on the job
  • prove your existing skills or knowledge.

You can get micro-credentials through tertiary education providers like divisions of Te Pūkenga, wānanga, universities and private training establishments. They may also be offered by employers and professional industry organisations.

The register of NZQA-approved micro-credentials tells you which education provider to contact.

Register of NZQA-approved micro-credentials – NZQA

Cost of micro-credentials
Te utu mō te tohu iti motuhake,

Contact the education provider to find out how much a micro-credential costs.

You can’t get student loans or allowances for a micro-credential.

Find out more, Ako atu

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