About apprenticeships, Mō ngā piatanga
Updated 18 Feb 2025
Becoming an apprentice sets you up to go further in your career as a qualified trade professional.

What does an apprenticeship involve?He aha ka whai wāhi ki tētahi piatanga?,
An apprenticeship is a type of work-based training or learning.
You work for an employer and earn money while you learn a trade in your chosen industry.
Type of learning | Examples of apprenticeships |
Building and construction |
Engineering |
Agriculture and horticulture |
Hospitality |
Personal care |
Sports and fitness |
What you do as an apprenticeNgā mahi e mahi ana koe hei pia,
As an apprentice you:
- work for, and learn from, an employer who supports you through your apprenticeship
- complete practical, on-the-job assessments
- attend courses that are part of the apprenticeship such as block courses, evening courses and day-release classes
- complete written assessments.
What you get from an apprenticeshipNgā hua ka whiwhi koe i te piatanga,
During your apprenticeship you’ll learn practical skills that are in high demand. You’ll earn the training or adult minimum wage. This may go up as you learn more skills.
A New Zealand Apprenticeship means your training will meet certain standards.
- It’s arranged by a training organisation.
- You’ll be supported by a training plan.
- You’ll study for a New Zealand Certificate at Level 4.
You can do similar industry training or an informal apprenticeship directly with a company, but you might not get a training plan or qualification.
When you complete your apprenticeship you’ll be ready to work in the job you’ve trained for. Being a qualified apprentice means you’re likely to be paid more and have better work opportunities.
What you need to be an apprenticeNgā mea ka hiahia koe hei pia,
You must be 16 or older, but there is no upper age limit.
Each industry has different entry requirements. You might need certain NCEA subjects, for example, apprentice electricians usually need NCEA Level 2 science, maths and English credits.
NCEA Level 2 maths and English are useful for getting any apprenticeship, but aren’t always essential.
Choosing Gateway or Trades Academy programmes at school might help you get an apprenticeship when you leave.
How to get a New Zealand ApprenticeshipMe pēhea e whiwhi ai ki tētahi Piatanga Aotearoa,
Find an apprenticeship you want to doRapua he piatanga e pai ana ki a koe,
Start by exploring jobs, qualifications and courses. See which training organisation offers the type of apprenticeship you want to do.
Visit the training organisation’s website or give them a callHaere ki te paetukutuku whakangungu o te rōpū whakahaere, ka waea atu rānei ki a rātou,
- Register your interest and see if they can help you find a job.
- Find out more about what’s involved in the training and mahi.
- Check entry requirements and eligibility.
Find a jobRapua he mahi,
You need to find a job before you can start an apprenticeship. Be ready to knock on doors, search job websites and apply for jobs.
Your training organisation should help you get job-ready and they may be able to match you with an employer looking for an apprentice.
Sign up for a New Zealand ApprenticeshipWaitohu mai mō tētahi Piatanga Aotearoa,
When your employer thinks you’re ready to start a New Zealand Apprenticeship, contact the training organisation again.
Employers can get an Apprenticeship Boost payment to help them keep and take on new apprentices.
From 1 January 2025, Apprenticeship Boost will only be available for employers of first-year apprentices in targeted sectors with skill shortages.
Get a training planTīkina he mahere whakangungu,
Your training organisation will work with you and your employer to develop a training plan that outlines your training on and off the job. It could include:
- block courses, day release classes or evening courses
- off-the-job assessments such as written assignments
- on-the-job assessments where you demonstrate your skills to your assessor.