Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

How to find scholarships, Me pēhea te rapu karahipi

Updated 03 Sep 2024

A scholarship is money given to students to help them pay for tertiary study. Find out what you could apply for and put yourself forward – you could get hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

A mother and daughter look at an open laptop on a dining table in a living area.

Who can get a scholarship?
Ko wai e āhei ki te karahipi?,

Scholarships are given for all sorts of reasons. You could look for a scholarship to apply for because you:

  • want to study in a particular area
  • have achieved at a high level
  • have shown leadership skills or community involvement
  • are from a particular place in New Zealand
  • have certain whakapapa
  • are experiencing financial hardship
  • want to study overseas.

Every scholarship has rules about who can get it. You can find the rules – usually called the regulations – on each scholarship’s webpage. You should only apply for a scholarship if you fit what it says in the regulations.

Find scholarships
Rapu karahipi,

New Zealand Scholarship
Karahipi o Aotearoa,

Top secondary school students who pass New Zealand Scholarship assessments are given up to $10,000 a year, depending on their subjects and performance. New Zealand Scholarship assessments are not part of the NCEA system.

New Zealand Scholarship – NZQA


Use StudySpy’s free scholarship database to search for New Zealand and international scholarships by location, study level, provider and ethnicity.

Discover scholarships – StudySpy

Education provider websites
Ngā paetukutuku kaiwhakarato mātauranga,

Search the websites of education providers, like divisions of Te Pūkenga, wānanga, universities and private training establishments, to find out what you can apply for.

Generosity New Zealand
Generosity New Zealand,

Search the givME database for scholarships and awards for individuals. Organisations that subscribe to the database can give you access – ask at a public library, Citizens Advice Bureau, community centre, tertiary education provider or secondary school.

givME – Generosity New Zealand


A list of all scholarships available to Year 13 students intending to study at university the next year.

New Zealand Scholarship guide – MoneyHub

Ask for advice
Tono tohutohu,

You can find out about scholarships from:

  • your school career adviser
  • student support and liaison officers at education providers where you want to study.

Find out more, Ako atu

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